What is the Deal with FEAR? (Part II)

PART II – How to Face Your Fears


(*Note: Don’t forget to read my previous post – Part I)

In 2014 after working as a professor, communication consultant and fitness instructor, I decided it was time to start my own business: It’s pretty scary! However, at this time in my life, I am actually okay with the fear that comes with the unknown. In fact, that feeling I get almost (dare I say it) excites me!

Please don’t misunderstand, I am not some kind of fear-junkie. I don’t plan to tame a cobra, jump out of a plane or swim with great white sharks anytime soon (although I wouldn’t rule it out).

I am not pertaining to facing a fear that could physically kill you, but facing the fear of the unknown.


Why Fear Excites Me


Fear excites me, because I get it! I understand why I get that feeling and all the benefits, growth and successes that can come from facing a fear (again see list in Part I).


For example, more than a decade ago I tackled something else that evoked fear to the point of noxiousness: Teaching Group Fitness classes.

Sounds easy right? Get up on stage, try to get people to move and sweat to music – piece of cake. Meh, it’s not that simple.

Shortly after my Turbo Kick™ instructor certification (my favorite cardio kickboxing format Turbo Kick -created by Chalene Johnson), I had an opportunity to teach a section to a class I attended every week! Perfect right, everyone knows me, I know the section, etc. As I approached the stage and the 6-foot tall, stellar instructor handed me the microphone; I noticed the air seemed thinner on stage. In fact, I wasn’t sure if my heart was beating too fast or too slow. imagesCANYJ0KI

All I remember was that it was as if my heart may beat right out of my chest and splat onto the stage along with me.

Fortunately, didn’t fall limp to the ground. Nope, I did the exact opposite, what I refer to as the “dear in headlights” pose: completely frozen – at least I was smiling.

Uhh… um… Crap!

Not the best experience as a first time instructor and to be honest, I just wasn’t mentally ready (including where I was with my confidence level in general). However, the experience left its impression in my mind and although I didn’t die, there was no way I was planning to repeat the incident. Also, I never went back to the class again. It wasn’t until a year later the push, plus, mentoring of another instructor who believed in me, motivated me to teach… and I did and I still am today!


In fact, conquering this fear opened up many doors and opportunities. Here are just a few:

        1. Work for Chalene Johnson and her old company Powder Blue Productions, which she and her husband sold to BeachBody – I think it is fair to say that she is a fitness industry icon (to say the least).
        2. Meet some of the most remarkable people
        3. Teach at some of the top clubs/gyms
        4. Appear/Cast in more than a dozen Instructional Fitness videos
        5. Being able to mentor other fitness instructors (this is one of my favorite things)
        6. Reset my mind to get excited about facing fear!

As you can see, there are indeed good things on the other side of fear.


How do you being to face your fears?

Tips to Face Your FEARS:

        1. Acknowledge your fear
          Recognized it and write it down. This process gives it less power.1_fear
        1. Invite fear into your circle
          Get comfortable with your fear. Once you invite fear in you realize you actually can learn something from it.
        2. Don’t feed your Fear
          Stay positive, prepare, practice and plan to succeed. Tell yourself you are not afraid and say it out loud.
        3. Think Positive 80/20
          Try to be positive 80% of the time!
          Reality is we are not positive ALL the time (yes people not even me) and we can all slip into negative thoughts. They key here is don’t stay there for long and let those negative thoughts consume you. You have to get into the habit of leaning towards positive thought patterns.
        4. Revisit your victories
          This is a big one for me. I use my victories as water to flush out the flames of fear. Remind yourself how you conquered a previous fear, what you learned, what that did for you (again see Part I of this blog post) and how you felt afterwards. This helps you to create a new process for accepting the feeling of the unknown and reminding your brain that you are not going to die. It is worth facing your fear(s)

Did you do your “homework” from Part I at the end of last week’s blog?
Write down what one thing scares you the most. Think about the “why?”

Approaching F.E.A.R. – Two options

Option 1

      1. F – Forget
      2. E – Everything
      3. A – And
      4. R – Run

Option 2

      1. F – Face
      2. E – Everything
      3. A – And
      4. R – RISE

At the end of the day one of these options will either hold you hostage in your comfort zone or push you out of it! Which option will you choose? The power is yours!





About Ellie Parvin

Ellie is a Communication Consultant, Professor, Speaker, Writer, Mentor, Coach, Course Creator, Author and has a passion for motivating and inspiring others by sharing her insight, expertise and lessons learned. She loves to teach and is a Communication Professor, as well as a Fitness instructor. She teaches Business Communication, Media & Culture, Public Speaking and Academic Writing. Ellie is obsessed with the way people communicate and how various personal and environmental factors can alter the perception of information/message/meaning delivered and received between those in communication. She received her B.A. in Journalism from San Francisco State University and M.A. in Communications & Organizational Leadership from Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA. Published Thesis: Critical Theory and Gender Communication Studies in Small Organizations.

2 comments on “What is the Deal with FEAR? (Part II)

  1. This is an excellent article Ellie. When I met you I saw confidence oozing out of you in every situation. I just assumed that you never struggled through anything. But that’s silly. We all struggle. The difference is the facing and rising above (which you have done beautifully). I love to conquer fear myself. I’ve come a long way but I still get in my own way at times. Thanks for this. I’m inspired!

  2. Awesomeness!! Love seeing you in my old turbo kick vids I use intermittently to.mix up my workouts & so awesome to c u on.there # !!
    I had same fears about teaching, I conquered!! &taught for two years, loved it but in the end it just wasn’t for me right now , and thats ok!! Fear of it “not working out” didn’t kill me!! I think fear of trying something is tied to all of what you mentioned but like u said, once you get over that, the lessons are immeasurable!!

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