10 Benefits of Meditation


Ahh the power of meditation. Meditation is not only a physical, but a mental challenge for me personally. I have always had so much energy, it’s hard to tie me and my busy brain down!

d824e156b0add7a61fd1f4a3184261bdTo be honest, I could never imagine or simple sitting there in one position to meditate or taking a Yin Yoga (http://www.yinyoga.com/) class and focusing on one simple thought, my breath or what have you.

Before I starting teaching mind-body, I was introduced to yoga in my late twenties. Oh my gosh, I couldn’t wait to get out of there! My thoughts were running around like crazy (I was use to cardio until you die; you can’t think – must focusing breathing and not dying was mantra with cardio). I felt I had too much time to think and I didn’t feel the benefits at all.


In hindsight, I probably didn’t know what I was doing.


However, many years later I challenged myself to develop meditation practice/skills. Skills that essentially helped me get through my graduate program, while working full time, teaching fitness classes part-time, getting married and moving.

What is Mediation?
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Meditation has a few meaning when you “Google” it.imagesCADFLZKX

imagesCAONB6M2To me meditation is tied in with communication. The way we communicate to others and ourselves. Why? Because communication is about what is going on inside us and how that effects the way we verbally or non-verbally communicate with others and effects the messages we communicate to ourselves. In my world if we want to be successful, communication is key!


imagesCA9861MQAccording to the growing number of scientific and psychological studies, there are a variety of benefits to mastering meditation. Some of those benefits are as follows:

Meditation Benefits

1. Reduce stress/tension/anxiety (Thank you)

2. Boost immune System

3. Increase fertility

4. Improve self-acceptance

5. Increase self confidence

6. Foster creativity by releasing blocks in the mind

7. Cultivate clarity and assist with decision making

8. Improve concentration

9. Benefit relationships (of course

10. Promote healthy COMMUNICATION!


Repetition Reaps Results

Of course, there are more benefits to mastering meditation than those listed above. Also, one must keep in mind that with any practice, consistency breeds benefits (ex. Exercise: working out one day a week, doesn’t make one fit. The practice should be on a regular, scheduled basis).


Meditation 101

By no means do I proclaim myself a master of meditation. Therefore, I’d like to point you in the direction of where to get started if you are interested or know someone who is interested in cultivating some inner peace.

Read This:



Watch This:

Beginner’s Guide to Meditation Learn To Meditate in 5 Easy Steps http://youtu.be/1UyJG2b8FMc

Guided Meditation for Beginners – Entering the Formless http://youtu.be/pA5RR54B9bA

Yin Yoga: http://www.yinyoga.com/





About Ellie Parvin

Ellie is a Communication Consultant, Professor, Speaker, Writer, Mentor, Coach, Course Creator, Author and has a passion for motivating and inspiring others by sharing her insight, expertise and lessons learned. She loves to teach and is a Communication Professor, as well as a Fitness instructor. She teaches Business Communication, Media & Culture, Public Speaking and Academic Writing. Ellie is obsessed with the way people communicate and how various personal and environmental factors can alter the perception of information/message/meaning delivered and received between those in communication. She received her B.A. in Journalism from San Francisco State University and M.A. in Communications & Organizational Leadership from Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA. Published Thesis: Critical Theory and Gender Communication Studies in Small Organizations.

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