5 Tips to Refresh your Confidence Level


Imagine what would have happened if Steve Jobs allowed getting fired from Apple, the company he co-founded, keep him from working towards re-achieving success and finding happiness again. Of course it was a blow to his pride and most likely left him down, depressed and perhaps his confidence was shot. But only for a short time.

It is not that unusual for even the most successful people to feel low at times, and this seems to happen mostly when they are going through the lowest phases in either their personal or professional life, over even worse, both. However, that is no excuse for you to let yourself down. Fight those bouts of depression and doubt because you can overcome it.

If it seems that climbing your way back to a confident mindset is proving to be too daunting of a task, take heart from the following five ways to bring new zing to your life and refresh your confidence level!

1.) Remember what makes you AWESOME

The most important thing to do at times like these is to count your worth/what makes you great. Don’t compare yourself to others. Unwanted comparisons with others is not going to help you at all. The best practice is to tell yourself that you are second best to none, and you have come this far based solely on your worth and abilities. You can opt for some introspection that will help you in realizing what goals you had set out for, and how far you have traveled towards it.

2.) Positive self-talk

Talk to yourself because this not necessarily something associated with early signs of insanity. Nothing is better than a rousing pep talk delivered by you to your inner self. Moreover, most often you may not feel comfortable sharing your deepest insecurities and fears with anyone but yourself. Therefore, a talk now and then with your inner self can be an extremely effective way of rejuvenating your lost self-confidence.

3.) Remind yourself of your accomplishments and how far you’ve come

Counting your past laurels can help you in giving a massive boost to your self-esteem, which is all the more important for bringing in more glories in the future. Winning and losing is a part of every game, and this is truest in the case of the biggest game called life. Thus, it will serve you no good if you continue to fret about past failures, but instead build upon your capabilities to avoid committing the same mistakes in the future.

4.) Don’t throw a pity-party in your honor

Apart from counting your achievements, stop pitying yourself because that is the last thing you would need for success. Take stock of the situation at hand, and decide upon all the measures that would require you making the best of what is on offer at the moment. You can also fake it when the going gets tough so that your body exudes self-confidence, which can come in truly handy for breaking out of the rut.

5.) Keep taking chances

Finally, take chances because you never know when luck is going to shift in your favor. Remember, fortune favors the brave, so try your luck out. In the meantime, keep working on your skills or learn something new and surely you’ll generate sparks of “positive” to re-ignite your confidence flame!

If all that doesn’t work you can reflect on the wise words of Albus Dumbledore, “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” ― J. K. Rowling (author of the Harry Potter book series)


About Ellie Parvin

Ellie is a Communication Consultant, Professor, Speaker, Writer, Mentor, Coach, Course Creator, Author and has a passion for motivating and inspiring others by sharing her insight, expertise and lessons learned. She loves to teach and is a Communication Professor, as well as a Fitness instructor. She teaches Business Communication, Media & Culture, Public Speaking and Academic Writing. Ellie is obsessed with the way people communicate and how various personal and environmental factors can alter the perception of information/message/meaning delivered and received between those in communication. She received her B.A. in Journalism from San Francisco State University and M.A. in Communications & Organizational Leadership from Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA. Published Thesis: Critical Theory and Gender Communication Studies in Small Organizations.

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