How to Communicate Your Business on Instagram


Key Tips and Basics to Sell Products and Services Using Instagram!

If you are like me, every time a new technology platform pops up you think, “oh great, something new to master so my services can compete in this space.” (Insert “heavy-sigh” here).

People ask me about Instagram all the time, what to do, how to grow the account, etc. It’s usually people I know or contacts I have met at events or on various social media platforms. The reason they ask me is because Googling “how to” can be extremely overwhelming and time-consuming to filter through everything. There are many Instagram experts out there today (or so-called experts). I have a handful of favorites and people I have followed over the years. But many of you who know me, probably know which Instagram expert is my favorite: Chalene the creator of the Instagram Impact Academy.

Social media lends itself quite well for sales, but only if you learn the ropes. You cannot go onto a social media platform and start throwing your weight around, it doesn’t work that. Some people make the foolish mistake of signing up and then just throwing out ideas, links, and sales, and they get ignored outright. If you want to avoid getting ignored, you will want to look at some of the tips I have learned from the experts and from my own experience that helped me go from 100 Followers to 5000+ in less than a year without having to post lots of pictures every day and spending too much time.  (Note remember it’s about quality not quantity)

Communicate with and gain target viewers on Instagram with the following tips.

Post with Intention: Pictures Tell the Story

The number one rule of Instagram is simple, post pictures. Pictures are the thing that you need to think about and you need to update on a regular basis. If you do not post pictures, you will not go anywhere. But you don’t want to just post any picture… You want to Post with intention!

Also, you need to ensure that you’re posting high quality photos or content that even perhaps tell a story about your business, products, services, the type of customers, problems and how your business products or services solve those problems. Honestly the list goes on, but unless you are a teenager or a model (perhaps a celebrity) don’t post an account riddled with selfies. Just think, would you follow an account that only featured 100s of snapshots of one person? Not likely. You want to ad value to your viewers. This lends to the impression that your products and services will also add value to customers/viewers lives. Also, it helps you reach a more targeted audience than any type of physical mailer would (for $0 dollars!).   You can use Smartphone Apps to make photos and videos stylized.  One of my favorite things to use is (open in any other platform other than Internet Explorer. Your images need to it has to entice, earn, bring in fans and keep them.


Use Hashtags and Use them Correctly

Here’s something that some people forget, and it’s imperative that you don’t, use the hashtags correctly. You want to make sure that you are using the right hashtags to get the right crowd. Do not abuse this system though, it’s simple to do so. Use the right words, and try to engage the users that come to comment on anything you update. It’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture here, so don’t over think this.


Consistency: Keep Posting to Your Account

If someone doesn’t buy your product or service right away, don’t worry. Keep updating the page, and don’t just post your inventor — provide value to viewers. Be friendly, comment, like, and engage the audience that you have and want to build. Remember selling on social media starts with communication and relationship building.

Also, be patient, it takes time to get a following, and it will not happen overnight. Just post, keep your hashtags updated and make sure that you’re commenting, befriend, and sharing images in accordance to the site’s rules of engagement. You will find that over time, things will build in your favor and you’ll gain serious leverage, sales, and even traffic to your website. Just don’t force it, rush it, or overthink this.

There MANY more tips and bits of advice. The ladder barely scratches the surface, but just take your Instragram growth one step at a time and just be persistent. Trust me as times passes you will see the fruits of your social media labor!

Reach More Targeted Audiences! Get Innovative with Instagram! 
(*This is where I learned how! Chalene Johnson’s Instagram impact academy online)!
This online Instagram academy is what helped me turn the corner. As a graduate of Instagram Impact Acadamy, Smart Success Acamdemy and Markiting Impact Academey, I am an affiliate for Team Johonson and their products/events.

Instagram Accountability Group:

For information on my FREE Instagram Accountability group visit:   => Click here <=

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About Ellie Parvin

Ellie is a Communication Consultant, Professor, Speaker, Writer, Mentor, Coach, Course Creator, Author and has a passion for motivating and inspiring others by sharing her insight, expertise and lessons learned. She loves to teach and is a Communication Professor, as well as a Fitness instructor. She teaches Business Communication, Media & Culture, Public Speaking and Academic Writing. Ellie is obsessed with the way people communicate and how various personal and environmental factors can alter the perception of information/message/meaning delivered and received between those in communication. She received her B.A. in Journalism from San Francisco State University and M.A. in Communications & Organizational Leadership from Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA. Published Thesis: Critical Theory and Gender Communication Studies in Small Organizations.

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