How many times have you heard “the customer is always right” in business and services arena. For those who know me 99% of the time I agree and honor going above and beyond for a customer (right or wrong). It physically pains me to say no or disappoint clients – hey without customers you can’t […]
Tips to Avoid Interruptions at Work
A key trait of successful people is the ability to focus. ~ Ellie Parvin You have a work project that is due for presentation, you are not yet done and you are trying to finish within the deadline. You need to focus your attention and get it done. However, annoyingly, your phone won’t stop ringing, your coworkers […]
Common Speaking Mistakes Professionals Make
Whether communicating with a client, boss, or speaking in the conference room, professionals who need to get their point across in a rush may sabotage the purpose of their communication. Rushing is just one of the ways speakers can submarine their point and persona, and by slowing down, taking a breath and moment to consider what they […]
How to Communicate Your Business on Instagram
Key Tips and Basics to Sell Products and Services Using Instagram! If you are like me, every time a new technology platform pops up you think, “oh great, something new to master so my services can compete in this space.” (Insert “heavy-sigh” here). People ask me about Instagram all the time, what to do, how […]