What is the Deal with FEAR? (Part I)

 PART I: Why Should You Face Your Fears?


What is Fear?

I know there are in-depth psychological analysis of fear. But since I am not a therapist I will offer “Ellie-analysis.” My perspective is that fear is a feeling created by our brain that triggers a response in our body. The brain manifests this feeling and/or reaction from one of two things:

  1. A previous experience
  2. The unknown experience

In short, the brain is trying to protect itself.


Connecting with Fear

Today I had the great fortune of taking a Hot Vinyasa Yoga class at Lifetime Athletic in Southern California. Usually, I am the one teaching mind-body classes or communication classes, so I love the opportunity to be taught or guided by others (I’m like a dry sponge – well maybe not after hot yoga).


Our instructor Anthony started the practice by setting the tone, requesting we dive into our minds and start exploring and playing with our fears. He created a safe space in the studio and about halfway through class I am kicking myself up into a handstands! Handstands?!


I have never even attempted a handstand without a wall behind me (aka. Safety net). Last year I attempted and accomplished the headstand, but handstands I chose to avoid. Why? Because of fear… fear of falling, messing up my back, injuring myself, etc. but for some reason, in the middle of the studio, the middle of the mat I just went for it – many times. With the intention set by the instructor and the intention set in my mind (challenge fear… this is a safe place) I was able to suspend myself for two whole seconds! It was exhilarating, made me feel limitless and FREE from a fearful mind!

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For those of you who are not acquainted with the whole “mind-body” experience, the point is what you learn and experience in the studio you can apply to anything in your life. Your brain now has a record that helps you combat fear, by triggering the feeling of struggle, exhilaration, learning and success.


10 Reasons Why Should Challenge Your Fears:
        1. Fear limits you
        2. You can overcome fear
        3. You can discover the thing you fear is actually something that brings you joy
        4. Your world becomes a much bigger place filled with more opportunities
        5. You can find love
        6. You can be a true success
        7. You can be a great leader
        8. You can create your own magic
        9. Overcoming fears gives you a roadmap/process to face other fears
        10. Your breakthrough can inspire and motivate others to challenge their fears, have opportunities and happy/fulfilled life.



Now I am inspired to jump off the Newport Beach pier in the dark like we did back in the 80’s! Hopefully Fluffy the Shark is on vacation?! Okay, well maybe I’ll venture this challenge next year.imagesCA2WL8UK


Homework  (here is the professor in me):

Write down what one thing scares you the most.

Think about the “why” and stay tuned for next week’s post:  Part II next week will be on tips on how to face your fears.

Until next week; keep practicing your communication skills with your co-workers, friends, family and yourself!


About Ellie Parvin

Ellie is a Communication Consultant, Professor, Speaker, Writer, Mentor, Coach, Course Creator, Author and has a passion for motivating and inspiring others by sharing her insight, expertise and lessons learned. She loves to teach and is a Communication Professor, as well as a Fitness instructor. She teaches Business Communication, Media & Culture, Public Speaking and Academic Writing. Ellie is obsessed with the way people communicate and how various personal and environmental factors can alter the perception of information/message/meaning delivered and received between those in communication. She received her B.A. in Journalism from San Francisco State University and M.A. in Communications & Organizational Leadership from Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA. Published Thesis: Critical Theory and Gender Communication Studies in Small Organizations.

3 comments on “What is the Deal with FEAR? (Part I)

  1. Pingback: What is the Deal with FEAR? (Part II) | Ellie Parvin

  2. Thank you Karen! Trust me you are not alone. I think more than 90% of the population, including me, has to push past mental limits.

    It always helps to have a safe place we can go to where it is easier to take risks – then apply that process in other areas of our life!

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