Remembering Dr. Maya Angelou Today I take the opportunity to honor and remember a great communicator: Maya Angelou. She is a woman who inspired, guided, motivated and educated society by using the power of communication. I am sure each of us have our own introductory memory of Dr. Angelou. For me it was a book […]
Monthly Archives: May 2014
What is the Deal with FEAR? (Part II)
PART II – How to Face Your Fears (*Note: Don’t forget to read my previous post – Part I) In 2014 after working as a professor, communication consultant and fitness instructor, I decided it was time to start my own business: It’s pretty scary! However, at this time in my life, I am actually okay […]
What is the Deal with FEAR? (Part I)
PART I: Why Should You Face Your Fears? What is Fear? I know there are in-depth psychological analysis of fear. But since I am not a therapist I will offer “Ellie-analysis.” My perspective is that fear is a feeling created by our brain that triggers a response in our body. The brain manifests this […]
PART II: Gratitude & Appreciation
A Birthday Reflection (Part 1- Read 5/1/2010 Blog Post) At the beginning of this year I decided it is time to make some waves and set HUGE GOALS (many of you may have noticed the shift already). Of course, I am always setting goals, but this time it is different. I am really stepping out […]